Limited Representation Agreements
Good lawyers have been helping people “behind the scenes” for many years. The problem has long been that judges believe that lawyers must not only reveal their help but must also answer to the judge for anything done in the case. In other words, helping an unrepresented person in court has always been a cache-22 for lawyers– if you disclose your help you get dragged into the case; if you don’t disclose it you are violating Bar Association rules. Used to be that you couldn’t help people a little bit; it was all or none.
Thankfully, in June 2018, the Kentucky Supreme Court of Kentucky approved, the hiring of lawyer without the lawyer taking full responsibility for your case. This is called “limited representation,” and the Kentucky Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company even offers a form for it. LMIC Limited Representation Agreement Form.
With a limited representation agreement you can hire a lawyer for only part of your case while you remain in control overall. Although all lawyers can do, not all lawyers are willing willing because of the risk of you making mistakes and because of the the lack of profitability from this kind of agreement. If you can talk a lawyer into it, consider yourself lucky!
Meanwhile, feel free to look around for helpful forms on sites like this!